Free Guided Visualizations of the Tarot

Card 20 - Judgement Guided Visualization

This guided visualization will guide you in forgiving someone who may have wronged, or betrayed you, and by doing so deepen your own love and acceptance.


You have chosen card twenty, Judgment, of the major arcana of the Tarot.  When the Angel Gabriel blows his trumpet it symbolizes that you are reborn, cleansed of all guilt and burdens.  It is a time to atone, to forgive others, and ourselves.  It is a time to move forward.

In the Tarot, Judgment represents awakening, renewed health, vitality and mental clarity.  If there are situations in your life that need to be corrected, correct them if you can, but never lose sight of your worth.  The past and its mistakes are behind you.  Renewal is transforming you to what you are meant to do.


The Fool is nearing the completion of his journey.  Judgment offers renewal, and rebirth.  The Fool’s spiritual development is almost complete.


You will be guided into creating your own Peaceful Sanctuary at the beginning of the guided visualization.  This is a place you can always come to, to find peace and calm in your life.

Read the How To Guide before you begin.

Click the play button to listen to the visualization:
Card 20 - Judgement
also available without background music:
Total Time: 28:41

© Fragrant Heart 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Reading by Elisabeth Blaikie. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully before listening to these visualizations.