Free Guided Visualizations of the Tarot
Card 18 - The Moon Guided Visualization

You have chosen The Moon, the eighteenth card in the major arcana of the Tarot. The Moon with its waxing and waning cycles has a huge effect on us. She calls us to heighten our intuitive responses through contact with nature, through stillness, and meditation.
Our fears may arise as symbolized by the crayfish leaving the pool. However, the crayfish takes to the moonlit path where fears are able to dissolve in the light of our intuition that takes us deep into our own unconscious. The unconscious imparts wisdom and insight.
This guided visualization helps you to access your intuitive nature, and find greater insights into being healthy, wealthy, happy, and successful. Sometimes we may be blind to the truth, feel confused, worried or apprehensive about our needs, and what we want. Coming back to the stillness within us enables us to trust in those deeper realms of intuition and mystery so that we can find our way along the path.
The Fool having been immersed in the hope and inspiration of the Star now encounters The Moon. In so doing he discovers the yin aspect of his nature. The yin is often described as the feminine and represents the receptive, the intuitive, and the emotional qualities of our psyche whether we are female, or male.
There is much symbolism in the card, The Moon. What does the moon, the crayfish, the dog and the fox symbolize for you?
You will be guided into creating your own Peaceful Sanctuary at the beginning of the guided visualization. This is a place you can always come to, to find peace and calm in your life.
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