Free Guided Visualizations of the Tarot
Card 15 - The Devil Guided Visualization

You have chosen The Devil in the major arcana of the Tarot. Aspects of this card call you to look at duality, right and wrong, good and bad. Throughout our lives we are labelled and judged by others, and ourselves. This guided visualization helps you to focus on a very simple self-inquiry, “Who am I?” Who you are goes beyond labels and judgments. Use this guided visualization at this time in your life to find stillness within yourself. Stillness will help to release you from the bondage of judgment, labels, comparisons, and unconscious reactive behaviour in which you find yourself addicted, or manipulated.
The Fool now meets The Devil and realizes that forces for both good and evil are within him. The Fool acknowledges, and accepts the dark sides of his nature. The Fool realizes that it is his own inner devil that is the cause of most of his problems. The Devil symbolizes being chained, and held in bondage to materialism, temptations, and addictions. On the positive side, The Devil encourages the Fool to let go of a narrow perspective, to release illusions, and self-imposed bondage.
Look closely at the imagery in the card, The Devil. You may ask yourself these questions. What keeps you addicted to something or someone? How does that impact on your life? What aspects of being held within a framework that goes against what is right for you are you aware of?
You will be guided into creating your own Peaceful Sanctuary at the beginning of the guided visualization. This is a place you can always come to, to find peace and calm in your life.
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