Free Guided Visualizations of the Tarot
Card 10 - The Wheel of Fortune Guided Visualization

You have chosen The Wheel of Fortune, the tenth card in the major arcana of the Tarot. It is an indication that at some time in your life Fate can take a strong hand and redirect your path. This could be the time now, and it is invariably for the better. However, what you do after this redirection is in your own hands. This guided visualization will encourage you to go with the flow of life, and to be open to new possibilities when they appear.
On his journey The Fool learns that he must take responsibility for his life. He learns to see how everything connects, how everything is in order and harmony. He learns how mysteriously life unfolds. He realizes he must not blame Fate if things don’t always go the way he wants. His perspective has become wider. He sees himself within the greater scheme of the universal plan; that he is a part of a part of the Totality, and he has his part to play. His sense of purpose is restored.
Take a careful look at the Tarot card of The Wheel of Fortune, and its somewhat unusual symbolism before you begin the visualization.
You will be guided into creating your own Peaceful Sanctuary at the beginning of the guided visualization. This is a place you can always come to, to find peace and calm in your life.
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