Free Guided Visualizations of the Tarot

Card 1 - The Magician Guided Visualization

You have chosen The Magician, the first card in the major arcana of the Tarot.  This visualization guides you in deepening your connection to your creativity, and your ability to manifest in this world.


The first person that The Fool encounters on his journey is the Magician. The Magician is the archetype of manifesting in the material world.  The Magician has the power to initiate The Fool.  Through undergoing this initiation The Fool awakens to his creativity.  His creativity flourishes, and with skill and determination he is led to new opportunities that help him to flourish and prosper.


Absorb the image of The Magician before you begin this visualization.


You will be guided into creating your own Peaceful Sanctuary at the beginning of the guided visualization.  This is a place you can always come to, to find peace and calm in your life. 

Read the How To Guide before you begin.

Click the play button to listen to the visualization:
Card 1 - The Magician
also available without background music:
Total Time: 19:35

© Fragrant Heart 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Reading by Elisabeth Blaikie. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully before listening to these visualizations.